
Looking after number one

Breast milk is tailor-made for your baby and provides overall nutrition and immunity from disease. There is also ample evidence that early infant feeding relates to a person’s future health. Babies who are not breastfed are more liable to allergies, eczema and obesity in the future.

Rates of breastfeeding are not high in Hong Kong: about 40 per cent of mothers are breastfeeding when discharged from government hospitals, but after one month it is down to 15 per cent to 20 per cent.

We recommend six months of exclusive breastfeeding plus a few more, because when solids are introduced the presence of breast milk helps the body to handle and digest them.
There are many things breast milk has that you can’t get from formula. These include hormones, life cells, anti-inflammatory agents, enzymes and immunoglobulins, which are extremely important to the baby.

Dr. Alfred Tam ( Specialist in Paediatrics  )

Reference information: www.children818.com

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Pediatrician for diagnosis and treatment.